[Cardinal Main Menu System by Metahusk | Steam Server Browser, Credits, and Game Settings](http://repositories.metahusk.com/menu.hg): An Unreal Engine 4 Community Online Menu System By Metahusk
[Cardinal Main Menu System by Metahusk | Community Project | Steam Server Browser, Credits, and Game Settings](http://repositories.metahusk.com/menu.hg): An Unreal Engine 4 Community Online Menu System By Metahusk
> **Common Mercurial Clients:** [SourceTree](http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/), [TortoiseHG](http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/), or [SmartGitHG](http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit/)
3. Download and Install Microsoft's Visual Studio Community 2015 for Windows Desktop
> [Visual Studio Community 2015](https://www.visualstudio.com)
4. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in VictoryPlugin(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called VictoryPlugin
5. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in MainMenuLib(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called MainMenuLib
6. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in AdvancedSessions(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called AdvancedSessions
Metahusk, mordentral, rama, Thaddeus Delude, The Tune Peddler, ZioYuri78
**Cardinal Menu:**
This project was put together by Metahusk using a collection of community content and in house work. Please credit us and provide a link to our website.
**Project Blueprints:**
This project’s blueprint files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. CC BY 4.0
Please provide credit where credit is due. You must credit the following people listed below. You can find this information in the project’s readme.
**Main Menu by ZioYuri78:**
The basic menu framework is an adaptation of ZioYuri78’s ‘Main menu and in game menu with basic game, graphics, controls and audio settings.’
The music used in this project is owned by The Tune Peddler. You do not have permission to use the project’s music without agreeing to the terms at The Tune Peddler’s website. (As of July 2016, this includes a $5 a month subscription fee.)
The Menu System is free to use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 3rd Party Assets are discussed in the credits section above.
Adapted From Trial of Might
Open Steam
Extract Plugins From Zip Folders to /Plugins
Open CardinalMenu.uproject
Enable Web Browser Plugin Edit -> Plugins -> Widgets -> Web Browser