@@ -30,24 +30,27 @@ 5. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins a
> **Plugins Directory Structure:** \Your_Directory\Plugins\MainMenuLib\"plugin files"
6. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in AdvancedSessions(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called AdvancedSessions
> **Plugins Directory Structure:** \Your_Directory\Plugins\AdvancedSessions\"plugin files"
7. Execute cardinal.uproject and click _Yes_ to Recompile Project Modules.
8. Enable The Web Browser Plugin at Edit -> Plugins -> Widgets -> Web Browser
9. Enjoy :)
Known Bugs
**Bug:** Client Returning to "Main Menu" can't join another game.
**Fix:** In Progress
**Bug:** The Editor's Play In Viewport option does not stretch the menu title bar all the way to the edge of the screen on some resolutions
**Fix:** Use Play In New Editor Window
**Bug:** Split screen settings not specific to player
**Fix:** None Available
Project Credits
**Project Credits:**
Metahusk, mordentral, rama, Thaddeus Delude, The Tune Peddler, ZioYuri78
Status change: